A Unique Service For New Gutter Business Owners
Gutter School
We are VERY UNIQUE in that we offer Gutter School to all of our new gutter business owners. This is a priceless opportunity to come out to Vancouver Island, BC to work side-by-side with our installer.

Gutter School
Gutter School is where a new business owner has the opportunity to learn how to do everything they don’t know how to do. Previous Gutter School attendees have included everyone from young business owners to older owners just starting out. We specialize in teaching completely new business owners how to do things right from the start of their business. Clients pick the amount of time they want to spend with our installer. In Gutter School they will learn how to measure properly, load material, cut ends of the coil, and load the machine properly. They learn how to make 90 degree corners – inside and outside, Bay Window corners, as well as any other measurements they need or want to learn.
New Gutter Business owners also receive their own patterns to take home with them for reference on their own job sites. Business owners will also learn how to hang gutter, and get professional advice on how to do long lengths when working solo (this is PRICELESS).
Gutter School is dependent on the kind of work we have on our schedule so that our new business owners get the hands-on experience they need in order to build a successful gutter business of their own. For this reason, Gutter School students do not receive monetary compensation for helping our installer at the end of Gutter School.
Hands-on training can also include working directly with us to learn all about the gutter industry, quickly acquire product knowledge, learn how to do quotes and learn about working with local suppliers.
Hands-On Expertise
Gutter School in Vancouver Island offers unparalleled, hands-on training in gutter installation and crucial skills.
Complete Learning
Our program is designed for new and experienced business owners alike. Gain practical skills, reference patterns, and solo installation tips.
Comprehensive Knowledge
Beyond installation, we provide insights into product knowledge, quoting, and supplier relationships, giving you a solid foundation for a successful gutter business.
We Support Our Gutter Business Clients
JB Gutterman Inc. is proud to offer ongoing support to all of their Gutter Business clients! You may be in business for yourself, but you can rest assured that you are never in business all by yourself. If you have questions about anything pertaining to your new gutter business, you can contact us for the answers you need to provide excellent service to your clients and grow your business.